Time to declutter and minimise
By Amanda Scali

8/08/2022 12:40pm

Time to declutter and minimise

Okay, so we confess we’re jumping the gun a bit here. Usually, this whole decluttering thing is something that’s typically part of the annual spring cleaning ritual. However, while the weather is still cold, wet, and altogether iffy, there’s a golden opportunity to throw open those cupboards and start tossing!

So why do we need to declutter? If you’re selling your home, then there’s obviously a pressing need. You’re not showcasing the contents, so you want to be able to present your home in a minimalist fashion so that prospective buyers can see the potential.

Apart from that, decluttering allows you to do a mental reset and clear away piles of stuff you’ve been meaning to get rid of for ages.

And the great thing is your home will look completely different, and it may inspire you to get a bit creative and move around a room or two and totally refresh your living spaces.

Be Ruthless

Decluttering is not something you tackle lightly. If you do it, be prepared to take no prisoners. Get those bags and boxes ready, be ruthless and leave no cupboard untouched because chances are there will be a lot to get rid of.

Some say toss it out if you haven’t used it in the last six months. A little extreme, but we know some who stick to this rigid regime of minimalism. The rule of thumb is to be as brave as you dare.

Knowing where to start can be the most challenging part of decluttering and organising your home. Some sort of game plan is good to have in mind before you start.

Deciding how much to do in a session is essential; otherwise, you could be there all day. Then you need to establish if you’re going to recycle, donate, or dump. And what about those bits and pieces that you absolutely cannot throw out…even though they haven’t been used for years? Is there storage space you can utilise for those sentimental items?

Let’s look at the most common areas of your home that seem to accumulate so much stuff.

The kitchen

So many cupboards and drawers full of stuff you no longer want or need. Get rid of those chipped mugs, crockery, and that assortment of weird cutlery you’ve somehow accumulated.

How about the ‘gadgets’ drawer? Do you fear for your fingers whenever you delve into it to find something? Sort it out and get rid of all that stuff you don’t, and will never, use again. Think flat batteries, broken birthday candles, blown light bulbs (why would you keep them?), half a dozen medicine cup measures, and all those plastic straws that still seem to have gunk stuck in them even though you’ve washed them to death.

While you’re at it, the garlic press and dodgy can opener that both never worked need to go, along with the ridiculous amount of rubber bands you’ve collected. Seriously, who needs 700 rubber bands?

Hit the pantry next and chuck anything with a use-by date long since passed. Toss out those serviettes and paper plates you bought for a party in 1992. Likewise, those plastic clip-together champagne flutes. Check for forgotten items at the back of the cupboards like old herbs and spices you bought when you went through your Thai or Moroccan phase all those years ago.

Pull out those hideous old wedding gifts that were never opened. Fortunately, those who gave them to you have either passed or are no longer friends, so it doesn’t matter if you chuck them out. And for goodness sake, will you please get rid of the fondue set? It’s had its time and is never going to be a thing again.

As for the ‘plastics’ drawer, where do you start? Just get in there and be vicious.

Finally, the tea towel drawer needs a good rummaging. Anything with a hole bigger than your fist is just sad. Aprons that can’t be tied, those unhygienic pop-out food covers, and 36 stubbie holders can get the flick.

The rest of the house

The wheelie bin will come in handy because you’re about to start on the bathroom and laundry.

All those little soaps and toiletries you stole from your hotel during holidays and business trips are the first to go. Ladies, old make-up, unused perfume, dried-up mascara wands, and that shampoo and conditioner special you stocked up on 15 years ago can all be marched straight out to the bin.

Blokes, grab a plastic bag and fill it with your old razor blades, unused deodorant, empty shaving foam cans, and those half a dozen bottles of Brute 33 with next to nothing in them. And while you’re at it, toothbrushes with bristles that look like someone trod on them are no longer effective, so they’re gone too.

Expiry dates on medications are there for a reason, so anything that’s way past its time is, in the words of Tom Gleeson on Hard Quiz, out!

Laundry cupboards are the champions of clutter. Anything you haven’t used to clean something or other within the past year is fodder for the wheelie bin.

Elsewhere, the linen cupboards are prime for decluttering with torn towels, ripped sheets and that hideous bedspread your dad used when he was a kid all need to be binned. When all that’s gone, have a think about folding everything neatly so that you can actually close the cupboards properly for the first time in years.

In the living room, put your minimalist hat on and get rid of those dreadful knick-knacks that have been hanging around ever since you moved in. Update those photos and replace that disturbing picture your uncle painted for you as an engagement present. Check your books and CD collection. Is it still relevant? Bundle up all your Agatha Christies and James Pattersons because you know you’ll never read them again, and a local library will be glad to have them. 

Finally, your wardrobe. Well, this is a challenge. If it doesn’t fit, give it the flick. Don’t bother with the charity bin if it’s stained, torn, worn, or seriously out of fashion. On the other hand, if there are items that you think could be worn by others, take them to the Salvos or Vinnies. And seriously, the only 30-year-old shoes you should be keeping are your RM Williams. The rest need to be unceremoniously marched to the bin. Before you chuck anything, though, check the pockets; there could be a fiver you’ve forgotten about.

Well, there you have it. You’ve gotten rid of a ton of stuff, your home looks and feels brand new, and a huge weight has seemingly been lifted from your shoulders.

Now you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your decluttered home if only you could remember what the hell you did with the remote!

Talk to the professional sales team at McGrath Real Estate Group. Apart from decluttering, they can advise you on what else you can do to minimise your home to have it looking great for sale.

Phone our office on 8350 4200, or drop into 42 Brighton Road, Glenelg.