5 tips for a healthier lifestyle 2021
By Amanda Scali

2/03/2021 5:24pm

5 tips for a healthier lifestyle 2021

2020 might not have been the year for health and wellness for you. It might have been a year of just focusing on getting through it.

You might have been home-schooling your children, working from home and dealing with all the emotions of a draining year.

But 2021 is in full swing and the perfect opportunity to make some healthy lifestyle changes for the better.

Here are our 5 tips for a healthier 2021.


Get a good nights shut-eye

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many people’s sleep patterns, but it’s critical to keep a regular sleep schedule and get about eight hours of sleep a night.

Try and head to bed at a regular time each night to make the most of your sleep time.

Exercise Regularly

Staying physically fit has numerous benefits, including boosting cardiovascular and muscular health and fighting disease.

Exercise can also positively affect your mental well-being by helping the body relieve stress and reduce depression.

Drink more water

Water works to keep your body hydrated, which is excellent for general health. It also helps to keep your stomach feeling full, and this can gradually reduce the amount you consume at mealtimes.


Don’t eat your lunch at your desk

We can all be guilty of working longer hours than we need to but try to take a break throughout the day. Try and have at least 30mins a day away from the computer to enjoy your lunch, chat with a workmate or go for a walk.

Take up a “passion project”

A “passion project” is essentially a project that you take up purely because it brings you joy and makes it easier for you to control your stress levels.

Maybe it’s time to take up painting, yoga or even horse riding.