Finding time to stay in touch
By Amanda Scali

29/04/2022 5:27pm

Finding time to stay in touch

Mask-wearing has come to an end, QR check-ins are no longer, and South Australians can now, thankfully, breathe an unfiltered sigh of relief.

Most of us have welcomed the lifting of restrictions as it now gives us a bit more freedom. It’s a mental trigger to get back to normality and start doing the things we’ve neglected for the past couple of years (has it been that long?).

Top of the list is a priority to get back face to face with family and friends, especially those who are perhaps quite a distance away.

The timing is perfect, because now the Easter/Anzac Day/school holidays break is here and many of us are venturing out to visit those we haven’t seen in such a long time.

While it’s been really convenient to use online video technology like Zoom, Google Hangouts, Messenger and FaceTime with loved ones, it pales into insignificance greeting each other, after what seems like ages, with a massive hug.

Did you know there’s evidence that a hug from a partner, a loved one, a family member or a good friend helps ease tension and stress and may even help us avoid getting sick? In fact, a good hug can display intimacy, tenderness and affection. A long, silent hug says we understand each other’s struggles and connects us as humans (try it for at least 7 seconds). 

So, the theme of the holidays is to get out and reconnect with those you haven’t seen for such a long time…whether they’re across the other side of town, in the country or even interstate. 

Take a road trip and arrange to stay overnight or longer. Or, if they’re a good distance away, meet your loved ones and friends somewhere halfway. Camping together is another good option too.

If you’re catching up with family and friends closer to home, organise a day together, a picnic, dinner out or a casual lunch. Get the kids together at a park, see a movie, or hang out at the beach if it’s still warm enough. There are so many options. Check out for some fantastic ideas.

Sadly, being unable to catch up with family and friends because of isolations, lockdowns and closed borders has affected relationships for many.

However, the April break (and Adelaide’s fabulous Autumnal weather) has us all ‘chomping at the bit’ to get out and get back in touch with each other and rekindle friendships. So, the message is to take the time to get in touch and spend quality time with family and friends over this Easter/Anzac Day and school holiday break.

Because Easter is still fresh in our thoughts, just remember…there’s nothing better than a good friend, unless it’s a friend with chocolate!