Goal setting to see out 2021
By Amanda Scali

11/08/2021 3:04pm

Goal setting to see out 2021
It seems that every year goes faster than the last, but many of us are still in denial that we are already in August. August! Where has the year gone?
You might have had some good intentions at the start for 2021 to set some goals to work towards for the year, and then things got busy, there were covid lockdowns, and plans got derailed.
Well, all is not lost; you can still set some achievable goals to take you through the rest of 2021.
Here are our favourite tips for making those goals and sticking to them.
Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards
Often the most challenging step is just deciding that you want to set some goals. It could be as simple as going for a longer walk a couple of times a week, drinking more water, doing a daily meditation, or sprucing up your resume if you are looking for a new job.
It's the small steps that we take that make the most significant difference. So firstly, decide what it is you want to add to your life or change.
Write it down. Carefully
The second step is writing it down to make it real. Write down the goals you want to achieve and be truthful about why you want to achieve them and how you are going to feel about them when you do.
Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals also increases the likelihood that we will stick at them.
Keep yourself accountable and tell someone about the goals you are trying to achieve. One to allow them to keep you honest, and two so they can cheer you on when you reach milestones.
Tell your friend, a family member or your significant other. They might also choose to make some changes with you.
Break your goal down
The only true way to achieve a goal is to break it down into a bite-sized set of actions. Write down how you are going to achieve your goal and set some milestones along the way.
You may also want to add in some treats when you hit certain milestones to keep you motivated.
Plan your first step
How are you going to start? Often the first step is the hardest so plan it out, set a date and start. Once you have started, you are more likely to keep going.
Keep going
Sometimes things go array when we are trying to achieve a goal; you might get side-tracked, have a lockdown to contend with or have something else that slows your progress.
Don't give up when hurdles present themselves; just keep going. It is ok to move the goalposts but don't quit if things and circumstances change.
Often when we reach a goal, we can get busy making the next one, but you need to stop and allow yourself to celebrate all the hard work and what you have achieved.
Spoil yourself a little bit for a job well done; you deserve it.