16 Simple ways to reduce stress and anxiety
By Amanda Scali

22/12/2021 1:36pm

16 Simple ways to reduce stress and anxiety
Christmas and the holiday period can be a super stressful time for many people; you might be hosting Christmas lunch for a cast of thousands, juggling family or travelling to see family.
It can all get a little stressful at times, and this year again, we are dealing with covid related travel stress and anxiety about the future.
If you feel a little stressed this year, you are not alone.
Here are 16 simple ways to reduce your stress levels:
  1. Exercise – Always guaranteed to put you in a good mood and help relieve stress.
  1. Light a candle – When the world seems like it’s crazy around you, sometimes just burning a candle can do wonders to help you de-stress.
  1. Supplements – There are many supplements on the market that can help with stress. Even just putting some lavender oil in an oil burner can do wonders.
  1. Laugh – It can be hard when times are stressful but try and see the light side of life.
  1. Learn to say No – It’s ok to not say yes to every offer that is put on the table.
  1. Reduce your caffeine intake – Those cups of coffee, although delicious, can affect your mood and add to your stress levels.
  1. Write it down – Sometimes, writing down your feelings can help relieve the stress you feel around them.
  1. Chew gum - When chewing gum, participants reported lower levels of anxiety. Gum chewers showed a reduction in pressure compared to non-gum chewers by nearly 17 percent during mild stress.
  1. Spend time with family and friends – Always guaranteed to help relieve stress. Try and spend some downtime with those you love.
  1. Stop procrastinating – If you have work to finish or things to address, stop procrastinating and start working your way through your to-do list.
  1. Cuddle someone you love – Hug it out; it helps.
  1. Deep Breathing – Take some deep breaths. It always makes you feel better.
  1. Listen to soothing music – Music helps to calm the soul.
  1. Spend time with your pet – Cuddles with pets help; they really do.
  1. Play a game with your kids – Take some time out and play hide and seek.
  1. Nap – Sometimes, naps do wonders for our stress levels. Take a rest and enjoy some downtime.