Community Spirit and how you can be a part of it
By Amanda Scali

10/07/2023 6:42pm

Community Spirit and how you can be a part of it

Being an active member of your community can be a rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you to positively impact the environment and the lives of those around you, but it also helps you build connections with your neighbours.

We’ve come up with a list of ways to get involved in your community and make a difference. So, if you’re keen and love a challenge, read on:

  • Volunteer for community events: Join in on local activities such as charity fundraisers, sports tournaments, local festivals, or cultural celebrations. Helping out not only ensures the event runs smoothly but also allows you to get to know other community members and make a difference. VolunteeringSA-NT has some great ideas on how you can utilise your spare time.
  • Organise a community-wide donation drive: Get involved with charities that collect essential items such as school supplies, non-perishable food, winter coats, blankets, books, and baby items for those in need. Starting your own Community Drive Committee (or helping out those charities that already have this sort of program in place) can help plan and organise such drives, including setting up drop-off spots around your local area for easy access.
  • Join local organisations: Become a member of community groups, environmental organisations, local sports clubs, or cultural societies. These groups allow you to contribute to community development and connect with like-minded individuals. Again, a great place to start is VolunteeringSA-NT.
  • Start or join a neighbourhood watch program: Work with your neighbours to establish a neighbourhood watch program to ensure safety and security in your community. Organise or be part of regular meetings, communicate with local law enforcement and help promote community involvement in maintaining a safe neighbourhood.
  • Support local businesses: Often, small businesses support community organisations and sporting clubs, so shop local and support them in return. Patronising local establishments helps boost the local economy and fosters a sense of community pride.
  • Participate in community clean-up projects: Take part in initiatives to clean up parks, streets, beaches, or other public spaces. Join organised clean-up events or start one yourself to keep your community looking beautiful and environmentally friendly.
  • Mentor or tutor local students: Volunteer to mentor or tutor students in your community. You can assist with homework, offer guidance, or share your knowledge and skills to help them succeed personally and academically. Check support organisations that provide mentoring and are looking for mentors.
  • Engage in local politics: Attend town hall meetings, city council sessions, workshops, seminars, or community forums to stay informed about local issues and voice your opinions. Participate in discussions, share ideas, and contribute to decision-making processes that affect your community. These events provide valuable information, facilitate community discussions, and offer opportunities to network and contribute ideas and feedback.
  • Organise or participate in community gardens: Start or join a community garden project where neighbours can come together to grow their own food and foster a sense of shared responsibility. Community gardens promote sustainability, healthy eating habits, and social interaction while providing fresh produce to the local community.
  • Participate in or initiate skill-sharing workshops: Share your expertise or learn new skills by organising or participating in workshops within your community. These can range from cooking classes and art workshops to DIY projects and educational sessions.
  • Join or establish a book club or discussion group: Engage in intellectual and cultural activities by joining a book club or discussion group. These gatherings provide opportunities for intellectual stimulation, sharing perspectives, and connecting with individuals who share similar interests.
  • Support local schools and educational programs: Get involved in local schools by volunteering as a mentor, tutor, guest speaker, or even just helping out at their local fair. Offer your skills and experiences to enhance educational opportunities for students and contribute to their overall development.
  • Promote environmental initiatives: Take part in environmental projects such as tree planting, recycling campaigns, or awareness campaigns about sustainable practices. Engaging in ecological initiatives helps preserve natural resources and create a greener community.
  • Start a street library: Street Libraries are collections of free books housed in public bookcases. These bookcases facilitate local book exchanges between community members! You can either buy a little library, or there are plans to make one yourself. Give, Take, and Share!

There are so many ways to get involved with your community. SAcommunity is a website funded by the Government of South Australia and Public Library Services that lists organisations and services where the community can get involved to make a positive impact.

If you have some time on your hands and are looking for an opportunity to do something a little different, take the initiative, identify a need or opportunity in your community, and make a difference.