Give to others if and where you can
By Amanda Scali

8/06/2021 12:41pm

Give to others if and where you can
We all get caught up in the day to day, the grind, work, home life and all the things that fill our plate. Weeks and months can fly by in a flash.
We might have an idea that we want to help others, help a stranger in need, a friend, or a family member, but then we get busy living our lives.
If you are looking for some ways to give to others, to be a bit more philanthropic, or just to spread a little kindness, here are our top ideas.
Smile and be friendly
Sometimes a simple little thing like this can put a smile and warm feeling in someone else's heart and make their day a little better. And they might then do the same for others.

Call a charity to volunteer
You don't have to go to a soup kitchen today. Just look up the number, make the call, and make an appointment to volunteer sometime in the next month. It can be whatever charity you like. Volunteering is one of the most amazing things you can do to pay it forward to others.

Take the time to teach someone a skill you know. This could be teaching your grandma to use email, teaching your child to ride a bike, teaching your co-worker a valuable computer skill.

Send a nice email
Just a quick note telling someone how much you appreciate them, or how proud you are of them, or just saying thank you for something they did.

Create a care package
Soup, reading material, tea, chocolate; anything you think the person might need or enjoy. Suitable for someone who is sick or otherwise in need of a pick-me-up.

Offer to babysit
Sometimes parents need a break. If a friend or other loved one in your life doesn't get that chance often, call them and offer to babysit sometime. Set up an appointment. It can make a big difference.