Tips to prepare for your next move
By Amanda Scali

9/03/2022 6:59pm

Tips to prepare for your next move
So, you've just landed your dream home in your dream suburb and absolutely cannot wait to move in!  Now your focus shifts from finding that perfect place, to the dreaded logistics of actually moving all your things from into your new dream home.
Not to fear, we have seen it all before and have some great tips to help you navigate the process and come out the other end in one piece.
Tip #1 – Hire Professional Movers
We can't recommend this enough. Even though people often want to do it themselves and save some money, think of it as part of buying the dream home.
Professional movers will make your life so much easier.  They will do all the heavy lifting, and best of all, you can insure all of your things against any damage or loss during the move, so with their help, you really can rest easy. You might be surprised just how efficient they can be as you look around at the mountain of possessions you have around you.
Tip #2 - Start Preparing Early (don’t wait until the last minute)
This reminds us of what our parents would tell us about doing our homework in our school days, but it is true. If you're going to pack your things yourself, make sure you invest in some proper moving boxes and plenty of butcher's paper to wrap everything.
It is usually a much more time-consuming job than what you think before you start, so if you can get moving boxes and do a bit each day/night, it will make your life that much easier. Start packing the things you haven’t used in a while and work your way through to the last things you need to use before the big day.
Tip #3 - Be Kind To Yourself During The Process
Moving is stressful. Regardless of even the first 2 tips, anytime you uproot your life and move all of your things, it brings with it a lot of stress, excitement and nervous energy.
You might find your fuse is a little shorter than normal, or you're getting stressed about things you usually would not. Remember, it is normal to feel this way even though the excitement of it all might be masking the stress underneath. An excellent way to level yourself is to take regular breaks from moving-related tasks, and perhaps do some yoga or a gym session. You'll be surprised just how much better you feel for it!
There are always many different ways to approach a move, but remember what works for you may not work for another person. If you have a friend or family member making a move, reach out and offer to help them or be there for support. It's one of those ‘life’ things that you can do for someone else that you may need help with one day…and what goes around comes around.
Good luck.