Getting out of your comfort zone in 2021
By Amanda Scali

4/11/2021 1:48pm

Getting out of your comfort zone in 2021
When was the last time you really pushed yourself in a situation that was entirely and wholly outside of what is comfortable for you?
We can all get cosy with building a life that we are familiar with, that we know well and are comfortable in, that we can often get a little afraid to get out of our comfort zone.
And in the last few years, many of us have gone a little inwards as we ride out lockdowns, changes to plans and schedules and working remotely, so it's natural that you might feel a bit of anxiety about looking outside your comfort zone for growth.
As the saying goes, 'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone’, and often the most significant growth comes from doing those uncomfortable things.
So how do you embrace experiences that have the benefit of enriching your Life? These small steps will help you on your way.
Make changes to your daily routine
Routine can be one of the killers of growth and allows you to stay in your little comfort zone bubble.
So, try and shake up one thing about your daily routine. That could be trying a new coffee shop in a different suburb on your way to work, parking your car further away from the office to allow you to walk through that park you love, or not getting your phone out on public transport and talking to the person next to you.
Small changes help rewire our brains for new and exciting adventures.
Learn a new skill or take a course
You will ultimately be challenged when you sign up to learn a new skill, take up an instrument, join a choir or sign up for a course or further study.
Learning new things activates another area of our brains and allows us to develop fresh perspectives. And if you are thinking about doing a course or furthering your study, there has never been a better time with many new learning options opening online since the pandemic that would have previously only been in person.
Face a Fear
Have you always tossed and turned at the thought of public speaking? Maybe it's time to conquer that fear head-on by taking a public speaking course to get over that fear.
Whatever you fear, attack it head-on.

Get comfortable with discomfort
The thing is that stepping outside your comfort zone is uncomfortable. It’s going to make you feel all sorts of emotions, and that’s ok.
Getting used to the discomfort of not knowing an outcome, not being in control and not having all the answers or the relevant skills from the get-go is an excellent way to keep growing in Life.
Once we learn to sit with discomfort, we open a world of new possibilities.