5 Fun things to do to welcome in Spring
By Amanda Scali

1/09/2021 4:52pm

5 Fun things to do to welcome in Spring
Hello Spring, we are sure glad to see you.
Spring is a chance for new beginnings, for making plans to enjoy the warmer months and to possibly pull you out of a winter funk if you have been in one.
Spring also gives us a chance to get out and about and enjoy some sunshine.
Here are our top five things to do to put a spring back in your step.
Have a work picnic lunch
I am sure we are all guilty of eating our lunch at our desks, or not making time for an actual lunch break. What if you took time out today and had your lunch outside?
You could plan a picnic lunch with your colleagues. All of you could bring your favourite dish and enjoy 1 hour out of the office and in the sunshine once a week.
Get Fit
It can be hard to keep the fitness motivation going throughout winter, and you may have gotten a bit slack.
Now is the time to find a new gym, sign up for a run club or just add in a long walk with your dog each morning to get some extra steps in. Even an extra 10min walk once a day can do wonders for your health and fitness.
Spring cleaning
Cleaning can be quite cathartic and will help to make space for new things or just to clear up some space.
Spring can be a great time to clean out your wardrobe and give away any of those items that you just don't wear anymore to a local charity.
You might also want to look at cleaning out your pantry or kitchen cupboards too.
Plant a kitchen herb garden
This is the perfect time of year to plant a herb garden as the weather warms.
Pick your favourite herbs, purchase an appropriate pot to plant them in, and find a place in the sun, hopefully in your kitchen or living area and plant the herbs accordingly to instructions.
Once your herb garden is grown, you will have delicious herbs to add to your cooking.
Try something new
Spring is the perfect time to try something new. It could be as simple as a new recipe, a different path for your morning walk, or it could be something more significant, like taking up a hobby or learning a new language.
Trying new things pushes us out of our comfort zone and makes us learn new skills to help enhance our lives.
Happy Spring!